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Writer's picture Mona Symone

So Fresh and Unbothered

Updated: Mar 14

I feel great when I put on my favorite clothes. Clothes have the power to boost our moods and perhaps even build enthusiasm for the day that lies ahead. As adults, we know the importance of presentation. The same goes for our children (especially in the bullying world they face today). 

What we wear matters, it certainly does to me.

We use clothes as a source of inspiration. It is an opportunity to express our likes, interests, and opinions. It should make a power statement and reflect who we are inside.  We have the freedom to do this without caring what anyone else thinks. When it comes to our kids, they can send a message without even needing to speak, which is important for children because sometimes they don’t have the words to express how they feel as they are still developing their voices. Consider the messages you want your child to send at school and extra circular activities. 

We as adults would speak up for ourselves if someone tried to tell us what to wear or what was cool. Again, the same applies to our kids. You can sit down and have a conversation, so they know to be proud of what they have and who they are. They have a hard-working parent who provides and that is something to feel great about no matter what they wear.  I say, Be unbothered because you are fresh, you are clean, and no one else’s opinion matters.”

Words are powerful, not only should we say them, but we should also wear them!

Standing behind a powerful statement helps boost confidence. It is like taking on a new attitude. Take the Livestrong campaign and Nike’s slogan for example. The symbolism behind these simple phrases creates an instant association and evokes specific thoughts and feelings. Everyone wanted the yellow Livestrong wristband because we thought they were cool. Some people didn’t even know what they were for but still brought them because the phrase had deep meaning. Then, there is Nike, the biggest shoe company on the planet. They have a simple slogan “Just do it.” It inspires greatness in athletes (and non-athletes) across continents. It is popular because people believe in what these companies say they stand for. Who doesn’t want a winning spirit and control of their outcomes? Who doesn’t want to be associated with victory? This winning attitude is exactly what the I’m Just Me empowerment clothing line is designed to do for children. 

Did you know that the I’m Just Me movement has our line of empowerment wristbands too?

The power of affirmations in our clothing line. 

I’m Just Me uses affirmations to strengthen confidence and self-worth. Clothing is an extension of a person’s personality, so it was only natural for us to create a line. It represents the freedom to be creative. It means, “I stand by what I wear.”

  • My style reflects my individuality. 

  • My clothing reflects my self-confidence. 

  • My style is unique to me. 

  • I feel grateful for the opportunity to express myself.

  • I send powerful messages to myself and others when I get dressed each day.  

  • My style evolves and grows with me. 

The freshest gear. 

It is an unfortunate reality that having the freshest gear (or a lack thereof) can often be a point of shaming. No matter if you spend $10 or $100 on your child’s clothes, bullies will find something to make a fuss over. Some get caught up in labels and designer brands because they think of it as a status symbol, but little do they know, that that kind of stuff does not matter when they get older. Mentality like that just puts unnecessary pressure on kids and reminds them of what they don’t have. Clothes should not establish a hierarchy because it ruins kids’ self-esteem.  The I’m Just Me line is designed to place the focus on creating intentional statements instead of labels. So, when someone says, “What are those shoes you’re wearing, or what is that shirt you’re wearing?” Your kid will have the confidence to say, “They are mine. I like them. That’s all that matters. Now get out of my face!” 

Send a message of greatness and empowerment.  

I read an article in Psychology Today, and found out that, “Children learn the most important lessons in life from other children, not from adults.”  I thought about what that meant. It means that our children can substantially influence others and vice versa. The thought of this can be upsetting if our kids are being picked on. We must create an environment of emotional and social independence so they can stand up and say, “I’m unbothered by your opinion! I’m too fresh to even care.” You could even practice with your kids, so they know to say it loud and proudly. This will help them set boundaries, and expectations, and be empowered to speak up if someone crosses the line. I tell my child for example, “The moment we get angry, is when we give up our power, and that reaction is exactly what the bullies want. When we ignore or appear unphased, that makes people realize they have no control.” 

This is what the I’m Just Me brand stands for. 

The Just Me clothing line knows that good vibes rub off. That is why we have bold prints, that are breathable, lightweight, and comfortable. Our clothes give a constant reminder to not only your child, but those around them, that they are unstoppable, courageous, expressive, and most importantly, UNBOTHERED! Moreover, the designs are exclusive and unique, ranging from children to teen sizes. 

We know that parents sometimes need to make their budgets stretch. I read that about 40% of American families struggle to afford basic needs which includes clothing for their children. This is understandable because many of us have gone through times when we simply did not have extra money to spend outside of the necessities. We have the firm belief that every child should have access to clothes that send a powerful message. Just Me has made a point of making our line affordable. As an added benefit, the I’m Just Me empowerment line is available with Sezzle, meaning you can break down payments. Shop now and pay later! Many of our customers LOVE to take advantage of that option. 

We encourage parents to allow their children to choose their own messages! Having your child pick out their own clothing is essential for development because it provides a sense of freedom, individuality, and self-esteem. It also provides a way for parents to understand their child’s style. 

Here are a few Just Me messages and their intentions:

  • “Forever Me” – This design encourages children to embrace themselves for the unique beings that they are. Confidence and peer pressure have no place in our children’s minds and hearts. Forever Me promotes individuality and self-expression.  

  • “Your Problem is Not My Problem” – This is a mindset that carries children into adulthood. This phrase helps define boundaries and limits. Outside of standard sharing, negotiating, and taking turns, our children are not required to take on the negativity of others. 

  • “Hating Me Won’t Make You Love Yourself” – Envy and jealousy are as prevalent in childhood as it is later in life. It is important to teach our children that there are instances when others will not like them for seemingly no good reason. It is not up to your child to fix or internalize the issues of those around them.  

Now that you understand the importance of sending positive messages through clothing and letting your child become empowered, it’s time to explore the I’m Just Me Shop stocked full of power statements on pendants, wristbands, stickers, pencils, erasers, notebooks, and empowerment hair accessories! 


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